Monday, October 30, 2006

Meet some of our rams

What a beautiful day we had today! With breeding season just around the corner, I've been planning my breeding groups and the necessary pens. Here are a few shots of some of our rams.

Minwawe Donder, Black yuglet/sokket who did an excellent job as our flock sire last year. He carries moorit and will get three mature ewes. (Notice how big the turkey poult is getting too!)

Here's a shot of River Oaks Isaac and Ace taken a few weeks ago. Isaac is a solid black ram lamb with fabulously soft fleece. Notice the wool on his poll and cheeks and the great little tail he has. Ace is the moorit yuglet ram lamb with a turkey on his back. Since this photo was taken a few weeks ago, you can see the turkeys were much smaller then.

This is Sheltering Pines Bombarde, a fawn katmoget, F2 Roban Dillon with excellent conformation and super crimpy fleece. He's RR AA will get four ewe lambs...

And here's Beechtree Dougal, our Bluefaced Leicester ram lamb will get three ewes, one BFL and two Shetlands.

And this is Windswept Boggart, a mioget with fantastic horns and a beautiful dual coat. He was 1st place Ram Lamb at Michigan Fiber Festival in August. He will get 4 ewes and two ewe lambs. We're hoping to get more modified colors, longer fleeces and perhaps some spots from him.

Spring and Summer Classes 2024

  Well, it's April and the sheep have been sheared.  The chicks have arrived in the mail and Easter is behind us already.  Time to start...