I am happy to announce that our last lamb of 2007 arrived this afternoon. She's a little white shetland mule lamb with polk-a-dots on one ear, so her name is tentatively set as Dottie. I was worried about having a yearling ewe bred to the BFL ram, but all went well, thankfully.
I was keeping an eye on Cora this morning because it looked like her belly had dropped. When I checked on her around 2:30, Dottie's head was already out -- perfect timing on my part! A few more pushes and Dottie was out. Cora laid there for a little while and I cleared Dottie's nose and mouth of mucous. She was a little tentative about licking Dottie off, but she got into it as time went on. Both are doing well now. Dottie is thin, but her mom has plenty of colostrum for her and she's determined to get as much as she can.
So we end the year with a total of 16 lambs. We got 12 ewe lambs and 4 ram lambs for a 3 to 1 ewe/ram ratio, so I am very pleased with the 2007 lamb crop.
Big sigh of relief...lambing is done and we had no problems, just the way I like it!