I feel like I accomplished something today, I hooked up my scanner and got it working again. Yeah! The first thing I did was scan a few photos that my friend Patrice took while she was here before Thanksgiving. She has a great big zoom lens for her camera so she gets some great close up shots. She uses real film and had doubles made, I was fortunate to get copies too. Thanks Patrice! Pictured here are: Windswept Boggart, mioget ram born in Feb. 2006; Bramble Gillian, 9 year old moorit ewe with lots of wool on her poll and cheeks; and Minwawe Donder, yuglet sokket ram, sire of all our 2006 lambs.
Also, I've been spinning that dyed top and I'm loving the resulting yarns. I've spun up some of the reds and now I'm working on the purple. I'll try to get a photo posted soon. I want to use some for felting too, but it's so much fun to watch these colors go by on the spinning wheel and I only got 8 ozs of each colorway.
We're hoping to talk to our neighbor about that 8 1/2 acres this weekend. Weve decided we could sell 20 of our Ogilvie acres and still keep about 10 acres of hayfields. Then we'd have our hay and the sheep could eat it too.