No new lambs since my last post. Had to cancel the shearer yesterday morning due to wet sheep. We don't have facilities to lock up the whole flock right now.
We made some temporary housing to provide shelter while we clean out and move the Megahut to make room for our new pole building. The temporary shelters were made from T-posts, cattle panels and tarp. We made one for the rams and one for the ewes. They do use them. In fact, we found out in short order that lambs will climb right up to the top if you have too much of a slope. The lambs are like little mountain goats! We didn't want any broken legs, so we squeezed it in a little closer. These panels had a bit of a bend, so we didn't get a perfect arch on the shelter in the photo above.
Check out the three tone coloring on the back end of Bailey, our little Grey Katmoget ewe. She's got some white spotting on her face and ears too. Very soft fleece on this girl.
Here's another look at our shetland mules, Delia and Derra. They are so sweet. Still cautious of us since the tail docking incident.

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