Well, it's been a week since I posted and three more lambs have arrived!

On Monday, April 23, Mabeline had our second Shetland mule lamb, Delia, pictured above. Delia is named with the first letter of her sire's name.

Cocoa's mule lamb, pictured here, will be called Derra. These two look a lot alike, but Derra is bigger and has more pheo coloring on the back of her neck. Their tails were banded on Wednesday night, that's something I haven't done much of breeding shetlands. I wimped out and asked my neighbor to do the dirty deed. They didn't seem too pained by the experience and they were good as new the next morning.

Tuesday night Tasha broke the streak of 10 unanswered ewe lambs with a musket ram lamb sired by Bombarde, his name still to be determined. He's got a wispy line of white across the back of his head.

And then on Friday morning as I was feeding the ewes before work, Jasmine delivered a musket krunet ram lamb. I was hoping for a grey lamb out of Jasmine, but this litte guy is very cute with a good sized krunet marking. He looks very much like his half sister, Bonnie pictured below. I keep getting them mixed up. Good thing he has horn buds. All of Bombarde's lambs were born up and running. They are so cute and have fabulously soft fleece!

Things have cooled off with the lambing now. As far as I know, next up is Cora, on May 22nd. She is carrying a shetland cross lamb too. I hope she'll do okay delivering it since she's just a yearling. Hers was an accidental crossbreeding.
Hopefully our BFL ewe Lanora was bred late too and will give us a purebred BFL lamb or two. Same thing goes for Lottie, hopefully she'll give us a crossbred lamb too.
Hey -- I've got a couple of grey Shetlands for sale! :-) Fleeces are coated and everything!