
Becky Utecht Felt & Fiber

Phone: 320-679-4117


  1. Hello Becky, will you be teaching the pelt class again next year at Shepherd's Harvest? I did not have a fleece this year, so I have plenty of time to find the perfect one for next year. Thanks!

    1. I'd love to teach it again next year at Shepherd's Harvest. I will be teaching it at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival on Sept. 13, 2015 and I teach small groups at my studio in Ogilvie, MN by arrangement (lunch and refreshments included at the studio). Would love to have you in class!

  2. Hi I am new to your site and am wondering if you will be hosting any classes this winter and/or spring? I am interested in felting

    1. Hi Kimi, yes I hope to teach some classes this winter and spring. Right now I'm still unpacking and organizing the studio (I sold my house on Dec. 1st). Let me know if you have a preference for days, times, and projects.

  3. Hi!
    You are so talented!!!! I was wondering what you would recommend using for a soft throw/blanket like you make, What fleece do you like to work with that felts well but is soft enough and has some curl to it. I just think your work is amazing, I live in Ct but I hope to one day meet you and admire your work in person. I'm looking forward to hearing back from you. Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks Becky! I love to work with Shetland, Icelandic, Bluefaced Leicester, Gotland, Teeswater fleeces. Just be sure to select one with very little VM and still hanging together (but not already felted by the sheep). Also keep the size under 5 lbs for your first project, I love a 2-3 lb Shetland fleece, easy to work with and still comes out a good size for a lap blanket.

  4. Hi Becky. This is Michelle - the person who worked next to you and Sid during the Nomadic Rug class at the Textile Center last weekend. Just wanted to say hi and congratulations on updating your site! It is difficult to keep up with everything when life is normal....but throw in a major move and it's pretty impossible. I look forward to seeing you sometime this summer - I am very interested in taking one of your raw fleece rug classes. Take care! Michelle

    1. Hi Michelle, it was so nice to meet you at the class last weekend. Always nice to meet someone who makes fermented food! Several of the members of the Minnesota Feltmaker's Guild want to come up here again for another Raw Felted Fleece class in June. I told them to pick a date and I will open it up to 8 people. Hopefully you can make it then. Thanks for the comment.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...