Saturday, April 21, 2007

More Ewe Lambs...

I had to work Thursday and Friday, but that didn't stop four ewes from lambing. All had singles, all were ewe lambs. So now we're up to 10 ewe lambs and only two ram lambs!

On Thursday Cocoa (my favorite ewe) delivered the first of our long-awaited Shetland-Blue faced Leicester crosses, a shetland mule! She's adorable. My husband didn't notice her birth while I was gone. Probably because she was born outside and was a big as the two-week-old lambs. She weighed 10 pounds! I'm really hoping Mabeline has twins so that she doesn't have to deliver such a big single. But Cocoa seems to have done just fine.

Our F2 Holly bottle baby ewe lambs from last year delivered their ewe lambs on Friday. Hattie had a dainty little grey katmoget with head spots (above) and Hannah had a musket with blettet markings (below). Both their lambs were sired by Sheltering Pines Bombarde, who also carries a lot of UK genetics. Tight fleeces on these girls!

About 8 PM Friday night Elsa had a white ewe lamb with LOTS of pheo or some very light mioget spotting. I'll keep an eye on her to see if her color fades away over time. She's sired by Windswept Boggart, a mioget with spotting.

And last but not least, here's a shot of the twin ewe lambs Cordelia had on Wednesday afternoon. A fawn katmoget with head spotting and a musket. These twins were sired by Boggart and have the looser curls. We don't expect any more Boggart lambs, so his total was 2 ram lambs and 5 ewe lambs. Colors were: 2 white (one with tons of pheo), 3 moorit (may lighten to fawn or mioget), 1 musket, and 1 fawn katmoget. I am very pleased with all of them.

Donder only sired one lamb, that was Darcy, a black ewe with small headspots.

Bombarde has sired three ewe lambs so far with two more yearling ewes still to lamb. Colors are a grey katmoget with head spots, a fawn katmoget, and a musket blettet.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful babies, Becky! And such a wonderful variety of colors and patterns! I'm envious of your ram/ewe ratio!!! Isn't it a good feeling to know that you're almost done? ;-)


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...