Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Shetland Mule photo and mittens

Our shearer is coming on Thursday so I wanted to get out and take some photos of the girls in full fleece. I need to resize many of them but here is a shot of Delia or Dot, it's hard to tell without checking the tag numbers on those two. Anyway, it's one of our Shetland mule lambs (Bluefaced Leicester/Shetland cross).
I should be getting broadband today! I'm so excited about this. I have been trying for well over 6 months to get us set up with broadband. Okay, it's only going to be 256 kbps, but that's a lot faster than 24 kbps.

Boggart left our place yesterday, so now we have NO shetland rams, and NO horned rams. I want to keep it that way. I'm sure we'll have plenty of horned ram lambs this spring, but I don't I don't plan to keep any of them around more than a year. Famous last words, right?

I finished both Bird in the Hand mittens, the photos are of the first one unblocked and unhemmed. It fits my hand perfectly! On the second one I relaxed my tension and it's a size larger. So now I have to knit two more and I'll have two pairs. They will be nice and warm with the double layer of yarn (handspun Shetland of course!). I'll post more photos of the blocked mittens after we get broadband.

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