Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finally got DSL/Shearing today

I finally got DSL yesterday! It's so much faster than the old dial up connection.

The shearer is coming this afternoon, I will try to get photos of the freshly shorn sheep later, but in this post I will include photos taken a few days ago where they are in full fleece.

This is Cora, a musket shetland ewe on the left, Granite, a natural colored BFL ram and Lanora on the right, a white BFL ewe. Lanora looks trim in this photo, but she's pretty wide in real life. I'm hoping for lambs from her this year.

And this is Rhyn, our natural colored BFL ewe wearing a little VM in her neck wool. ;-)

The shetland ewes.....with a Shetland mule face in the front.

And our white BFL ram, Dougal. He's shown below with Albert, our babydoll southdown ram. They are a kind of cute together. I found out a couple weeks ago that sweet little Albert can be a strong ally with Dougal in fighting off a newcomer. Those two tag-teamed poor Granite when he made the poor choice to jump into their pen. Granite now lives with the two Babydoll Southdown wethers.

Here's hoping the weather report is correct and we'll have warm temps this weekend. This is the fastest I've ever been able to post on the blog and the phone line is open too. I'm going to love this!


  1. THREE babydolls? I thought you were cutting back? :)

    Will you be having ANY shetland lambs this year or will they all be mules?

  2. Yes Garret, THREE Babydolls! I got a ram by mistake and decided to back for the other wether I had intended to get. The wethers are great ram companions, so easy going and easy keepers -- fat little guys. We had them shorn yesterday and I can't wait to see how their crimpy fleece washes up and spins. Also upon shearing, I see their heads aren't really wide after all. I'm thinking of using the BD ram on my Shetland mule lambs their first year. That will put some meat on the third tier lambs.

    Oh yes, if all goes well, half of the lamb crop will be purebred shetlands. 2-4 purebred BFL's, and the rest in crosses.

  3. Oops, I should have added that I HAVE cut back -- on the Shetland rams. I have NONE! I plan to use my choice ram lambs or lease a ram for purebred Shetland breeding, but now that I raise a polled breed, BFL, I don't want to keep any horned Shetland rams over 15-18 months old.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...