Monday, February 11, 2008

Knitting, felting and hay

I'm working on the Bird in the Hand Mittens for the Shetland sheep forum knit along group. I love the pattern on the front. This is a pattern that is hard to put down, you just want to keep on going and going and going with it. I hope to finish the first mitten soon.

I did a hands on felting demo at our local art show on Sunday. We made the scarf above. It was really fun involving the spectators. They seemed to have a great time.
I also sold two framed felted landscapes at the art show. Yay! Now I can buy more hay for the sheep. We just ran out of the big squares from our own hayfield. I've got some nice small sqaures of alfalfa hay, but I wanted to save them for lambing. Hay prices are sky high around here this winter. Even the grass and Timothy hay is going for $4 a bale (small squares). So I'm going to buy some big squares of straight alfalfa from our hay guy. Lambing is only about 7 weeks away, so the alfalfa should work out just fine.
On Saturday, Terri Drimel and I went to the Indianhead Sheep Breeders Conference in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. We had a great time and learned a lot. I especially liked the presentation by Dr. Fred Provenza, he's doing some great research into the eating and behavioral habits of sheep and cattle. Very fascinating subject. As a result of their experiments, they are using sheep and cattle to naturally restore landscapes and to weed and fertilize without fossil fuel.

After the lamb and chicken luncheon, I bought some Dante sheep milk cheese. It's produced by the Wisconsin Sheep Dairy Cooperative and it's very good. Then Mary Falk of Lovetree farm talked about her sheep dairy operation. Having visited her operation before, it was great to hear her speak.

Speaking of good food, we're getting an egg a day from one of our new chickens - we even got a double yolker last week. It was huge!


  1. Congratulations on the sales! I just got my scratchboard prints accepted on consignment at a local boutique; wish me the same "luck" :-)

  2. The mitten pattern is stunning. Congrats on the sales, you really do wonderful work from you pictures.

  3. Way to go Michelle! Good luck with the scratchboard sales. I've seen some photos of them and I know you do nice work. I'm excited to do more felted "paintings" after all the good feedback at the art show this weekend.
    And thanks Inspector Kelly, the mittens are definitely in your color scheme! Your wedding dress is absolutely gorgeous with the black accents, especially the insert in the back. I love it.

  4. I love seeing pictures of your projects, Becky. You do such beautiful work! I'm not at all surprised that you sold your felted landscapes ~ they were stunning! Please keep us posted with your projects, they're very inspiring!

  5. What can I say, black has always been one of my favorite colors, if not my favorite color. My dress is as close to the all black one that I always wanted as I am I am going to get. I really do love my dress though.

  6. I agree with Nancy and Michelle, Becky - kudos to you for the sales and inspiring projects! Way to go! Don't feel so bad about the we pay about $19.00 for a single bales (about 90 lbs.) of grass hay.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...