Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spring at last!

The weather has finally gotten warmer and I'm feeling lamb deprived. Yes, we have two healthy, friendly lambs who are SO cute, but it's been over a week now with no new lambs and I'm getting anxious to see the results of my breeding plans. It appears Donder only sired one lamb before he bashed out that window last fall and was returned to the ram pen. Darcy is a keeper though.

To pass the time, I went out to the paddock with the handshears yesterday afternoon and waited for volunteers to have their fleece removed. Eliza and Cocoa came forward. As I was working on Eliza , I looked up to see our BFL ewe, Lanora checking out the situation. I think she might volunteer next. I finished Eliza with only one tiny nick on her neck. And Cocoa was very cooperative for half the job, then she took off and didn't want to have her back end done. Hopefully I can finish her off today.

I can't wait to see the first of our BFL crosses hit the ground. Cocoa and Mabeline are carrying them. Unfortunately, Lanora doesn't look the least bit pregnant to me. But she certainly should be, maybe it's just harder to tell with that long body. I didn't take the BFL ram out until March, so we could even have summer lambs.


  1. What a grand, regal shot of Lanora! Cocoa looks like she got half-stuck in a garbage disposal or something. Don't you halter them or something while you shear?

  2. Thanks Michelle, when I looked up and saw Lanora like that I just HAD to stop and grab the camera.
    Yes, Cocoa looks pretty bad.
    No, I don't halter the ewes, they just stand there perfectly still, chewing their cud and wagging their tails every once in a while.
    I did halter Boggart when I worked on him Sunday. I had to take him out of the ram pen for both of our sakes. The other boys were jealous and tried to get in the way. Those handshears are sharp and I didn't want any accidents. Now I'm thinking I should invest in some electric clippers and a fitting stand. I find it much less stressful on the sheep to have me shear them. But the fleeces sure don't turn out as nice.

  3. There is no way my girls would stand still long enough for me to get them sheared. Last year when I did Dinah and Rechel with livestock clippers (without the correct head), it took me more than an hour for each! I did use a fitting stand; I was fortunate enough to be given one by my neighbor. Sure saves the back! This year, of course, I used someone who knows what he's doing with the proper equipment in the traditional fashion. At $5/head it was definitely worth the savings on my time and getting them all done at once. A little stressful watching him manhandle them and seeing a bit of blood on a couple, but the girls didn't seem any the worse for the experience!


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...