Saturday, April 07, 2007

Meet Harley

Bramble Diana decided to lamb at 2:20 A.M. last night when the temperature was only 13 degrees. And here's her ram lamb, River Oaks Harley. He's our first lamb out of Windswept Boggart. I was hoping for a mioget, and I will be watching closely to see if he lightens up. But he will definitely carry modified genes.
These cold temps are such a pain for lambing! I was freezing out there and was quite worried about Harley getting chilled.
I don't have the ewes in a building, just a 10 x 10' Megahut without doors. Fortunately, I have an extension cord running out there for the heated water bucket and a baby monitor. I found a heat lamp from the poultry and rigged it up in the middle of the night to help Harley dry off and warm up. It wasn't actually close enough to do much good, but at least I felt better about going back to bed.
This morning with the windchill below zero, I let Jemma and her ewe lamb, Darcy (sired by Minwawe Donder), out of the jug. Darcy is so friendly and she was so cute finally getting a chance to bounce and run on the snow and ice. It was short lived though, because Lottie still wants to steal her from Jemma. They were fighting over Darcy until I put mother and daughter back in the calf hut. I sure hope Lottie has a lamb of her own soon, because I don't have much jug space and a few more ewes look ready to pop.
I guess I'll be staying home on lamb watch tomorrow instead of having dinner with the relatives. I'll feel better staying close to home.
Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Such a cutie, and I love the color. Congrats!

  2. Thanks Lisa! His fleece is really soft and he's such a friendly little guy.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

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