Monday, June 11, 2012

Spinning Wheel Find and another Felted Vessel

I went out to garage sales and plant sales this weekend with my oldest son, Alex. (The youngest was in South Carolina all last week for a wedding.  He had a great time, got to swim in the ocean and even got to go para-sailing -- glad I didn't know about that ahead of time.)

I came across this little double drive saxony wheel at one of the sales.  It was very reasonably priced, but it didn't have a drive band installed, so I couldn't really test it out much. The single treadle worked well and I could see the bobbin was broken. I made an offer an brought it home, much to the chagrin of Alex  -- some people just don't understand the need for multiple wheels or the excitement of finding a spinning wheel in the wild.  There is nothing but the initials O.T.S. on the bottom.  I wonder how old it is.

When we finally got home and I installed a drive band, I found that the double drive doesn't work with that broken bobbin, so I improvised a scotch tension string and spun up two ounces of BFL yarn on it.  I oiled it, tweaked it, and used the little wooden peg to stabilize the mother-of-all.  It spun really nicely!  I'm not used to single treadle wheels, but this was pretty easy for me.  I spun one bobbin full and then made a center pull ball and plied it. Plying was a little more difficult with my makeshift scotch tension, but I did a reasonable job.

I left the broken bobbin at the Fiber Co-Op, hoping that Winnie's husnband, Russ Johnson can make me two or three new bobbins. Then I will be able to use the double drive. Yeah! :-)

I worked at the fiber co-op yesterday.  It was a hot day and not many customers came in, so I got started on making another vessel.  I hope to make a cover for it today.  This one is made of Gotland fiber (from Louet), BFL fiber (from my flock) and a BFL/Gotland cross fiber from Judy Colvin's flock.  The cool thing is that I make my birdhouses with the same template I make these small vessels.  Felting is so versatile!

Next post, photos of Leta's ram lamb and my new DUCKS!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, Becky--"finding a spinning wheel in the wild"...I love this expression!! :)
    Purchases like that are such fun, aren't they?!?
    No, we might not 'need' it, but if it's a good price and we can get it to work, it's like a present we give to ourselves!!
    Your new vessel is spectacular! You do such precise and elegant work.
    Missing you--I must send you a note soon and tell you all about Portugal! XXO--


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