Friday, May 18, 2012

Round two of Lambing Begins

River Oaks Mia surprised me with a little gulmoget ewe lamb late on Monday afternoon. I had the calendar marked for lambs on the 19th, so I wasn't really ready.  Mia's an excellent mom and there were no problems.

This little girl is not Ag grey, she's modified grey like her sire, Somarang Hansel.  Emsket?
It was interesting that Mia was born at 11:50 p.m. on Mother's Day 2011 and she became a mom the day after Mother's Day 2012.  Not really in my plans, but that's the way it is.

So Mia and her Mini-Mia got to christen my new Sydell lambing jug. I just love it! It keeps those pesky older lambs away from the choice hay and corn syrup water that the lambing ewes get right after delivery. I should have bought one way back when I first started off with sheep.

Now I'm waiting on the three Bluefaced Leicesters and Mia's 1/2 sister, Maddie to lamb.  My large natural colored BFL named Rita is marked as due on Saturday, she looks like she could have twins. I've set up the barn cam again and will keep a close watch.  I also bought the ewe headlock that attaches to the lambing jug just in case I need to restrain the BFLs so their lambs can nurse.

Oh, you may have noticed I changed the blog format again.  I didn't like not being able to see the blog list on the right. I really like being able to see all the most recent activity on all my favorite blogs.


  1. Cleo could be ready to lamb on the 22nd. She is very round and ready by the looks of it. Darla and Juni B are doing well. Your little girl is beautiful. Nice jug!

  2. That lamb is a unique and beautiful color. So many modified colors seem to take awhile to reveal themselves; amazing to see her born so distinctly different!

    P.S. I'm glad you switched your blog format back. :-)

  3. Your gulmogets look like they really hold their color. Are they staying solid sided even into adulthood?

    I did the same change and change/back with my blog. Thought it was time for something different but didn't like not seeing the things on the side-bar...

    Have a great weekend Becky!

  4. Thanks ladies, I thought this one was odd, but Maddy's lamb is really unique. They both are so light for lamb colors.
    Sharrie, can't wait to see Cleo's lamb. Last year she had a really nice polled mioget gulmoget ram. Good luck with her.
    Nancy, I don't shearing they still looked solid sided, but now they look dusty on the sides. I wonder if that area sunbleaches easier. Under the light tips the color is still there.


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