Monday, May 14, 2012

Changes are coming

Lots of changes on the horizon here! And the first you may notice is the blog format. I thought it was time for a change from the dark grey background. I like how you can see several posts at a time on this version.
But in order to see the whole post you must click on the header.  Also, you have to move your mouse over  the side bar on the right to get the blog list, followers, etc.  But I like the cleaner, fresher look.
The other big change is going to be to my house  --  I am getting all the windows replaced and new siding!

I am SO blessed to be living here. I have, without a doubt, the very best neighbors in the world. My neighbor's church has volunteered to provide the labor to install the new windows and siding. All I have to do is buy the materials.  :-)))

In the days before Stan died, he told me to talk with my neighbor Tim about getting this done. He said Tim would know the right people to get it done. But Stan and I could never have imagined such a generous offer.  It is so remarkable and inspiring to see how people around here live their beliefs. 

So now I think I should concentrate on organizing, painting, and cleaning up the place this summer.  Then the inside will be as nice as the outside is going to be.


  1. How wonderful, Becky, to have such giving neighbors!
    ...and knowing first hand what kind of person you are, it seems clear to me that the generous and loving energy you put out into the universe is being rewarded in kind! XXO-

  2. Thanks Heather, I feel very blessed indeed. Now if I can quit thinking about siding colors, deck plans and new lambs on the way, I might be able to get some felting done. :-)


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...