Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Open Studio on FeltUnited Day - October 1st

Open Studio on FeltUnited Day!
Saturday, October 1, 2011

The public is invited to my studio to make some felt on Saturday, October 1, from 1-4 p.m.
2157 River Oaks Circle, Mora, MN 55051

This event is part of a grant project put on by the Mora Comprehensive Arts Project Planning committee.  It involves six area artists working in photography, painting, collage, pottery, metal and of course, FELT.

The six artists opened their studios to children in August and then to the public this fall.  The goal is to create art at each studio that will be integrated into a collaborative piece.  The overriding theme of the project is nature -- trees, and leaves. So we'll be making felt leaves, twigs and flowers at my studio. 

In keeping with the FeltUnited theme for 2011, we’ll be using red, blue, and purple fiber.  Come and be part of a local collaborative work and part of a worldwide celebration of felt all at the same time!

*This activity is funded in part by a grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council with funds provided by the Minnesota arts and cultural heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.

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