Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yellow Lab Pup Available

Update 7/30/2011:  Good news! Rocky has found a new home on a farm with a large pond with plans of hunting in his future.

It's with a heavy heart that Stan has decided to let his 7 month old Yellow lab pup go. Stan is just too sick to be able to give Rocky the attention and training he deserves right now.

Rocky is housebroken, friendly and exuberant. He has a great nose and is very "birdy".  He's started on retrieving and obedience training.  He loves to ride in vehicles and he loves the water.
He's had all his shots and has not been neutered yet.  He's a purebred lab, but has no papers.  We're asking $150 for him, to good home only.  Our phone number is 320-679-411seven  or email me at beckyutecht AT gmail. DOT com.

I've got a vet coming out this afternoon to do health papers on the sheep that are going out of state. I will miss them, especially the BFL ram, Harwell. But it will be good to get our sheep numbers down so we can concentrate more on all the other changes in our lives right now.

I'm really glad to be keeping around 10 sheep, it would be SO hard to go completely sheep free.  But we'll just have to see what the future brings, I may need to cut them out eventually too.

I'm down to just 4 hens and two chicks, but two of the hens are broody. They're doing their best to keep the chicken population up around here.  I sill have one pair of the Shetland geese, one muscovy duckling and his caretaker, a Cornish cross pullet.  That duckling is the cutest thing!  I've always thought muscovies were the ugliest ducks ever, so I've never had them before.  I picked up the pair of ducklings to put under the broody goose, but she didn't take them.  When we lost the other duckling, I decided to put the lonesome one in with the meatbirds.  They were scared of him at first, but he was very happy to snuggle up with them.  So when the rest of the birds went for processing, I kept back one hen for him.

The Shetland geese are SO much nicer now that the other pair is gone. 
Thanks so much to everyone who has purchased sheep and birds. I'm working on the registrations and transfers now.


  1. I'm Colleen Canavan's neice. We can't take the dog, but wanted to let you know we will be praying for your family!!!

  2. I read through your previous posts I'm sorry for your decision of reducing the "pets". My heart goes to you and your husband and my prayer for him and you all.
    Terrie from Hong Kong
    Google does not work for comments, sorry only "Anonymous" works.

  3. I wonder if there's something I could do about that problem with leaving the comments. I had trouble with it myself. I switched from Internet Explorer to FireFox for my browser and that solved the problem.
    But just to let people know, Rocky has found a new home already! He's going to live on a farm with a big pond.:-)

  4. Oops, I meant to thank you both for the prayers and the comments. Yes, this is a hard time for us, with all the uncertainty and cutting back on everything. But we're certain that in the long run, cutting back is best for us and the animals. And the outpouring of caring and concern coming our way is very heartwarming. Thanks so much.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

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