Monday, July 18, 2011


The heat and humidity have been oppressive the past few days.  I feel so bad for the sheep.

Thankfully we got this nice big fan from Stan's dad.  It really can move some air! Stan built the frame for it so we can put it wherever we need it. The BFLs really love to stand in front of it.

I checked on the four felted birdhouses I put at the History Center back in June.  After just a few days the white one had some action.  And after a few weeks, the grey one showed signs of activity too.

The other two more decorated ones were still empty.  Darn!
Earlier I took the white Icelandic birdhouse home to shrink it down some more.  I forgot that I had hung it on the clothesline post until yesterday as I was hanging out towels to dry (they didn't - it was too humid!).  As I was hanging the towels I became aware of the wren singing a beautiful song quite nearby.  Then I saw the bird flutter off the clothesline post and up into the tree.  Finally I remembered I had tucked a felt birdhouse under the leaves of a branch that hangs over the clothesline end post.  I took a quick look and sure enough, it was half filled with sticks!

I really enjoy this bird house project.  In the midst of all the strife and worries lately, it's refreshing to see the birds with all their energy, full of life and beautiful songs.  We've had a female cardinal hanging out in the front yard in the Black Locust tree too.  She's even come up and perched on our windowsill several times. No decent photos of her yet.

Tomorrow I judge the 4-H Sheep interviews for the county fair which takes place this weekend. Sounds like there are more kids with sheep this year.  Yeah!  Thursday night I'm teaching a felted bag class at the Pine Center for the Arts in Pine City.  There may still be some openings.

For those of you who want to keep up to date on Stan, I'll add a link to his CaringBridge site on the right side of the screen.


  1. I have no idea how you keep up with all that you do with so much on your plate. Sending well wishes and a hug or two your way.

  2. Thanks Kelly. I'm not really keeping up very well, I've had to cancel several commitments. But I have to tell you it was so worthwhile and refreshing to interview those young people about their sheep tonight. When I asked why they chose sheep, several of them said they just love sheep. And that's what it takes to be a shepherd.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

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