Monday, September 27, 2010

Pre-felts made, next comes the RUG

What a weekend, making pre-felts with all kinds of people!  From the littlest toddlers to grown ups...

Some worked in gallon size ziplock bags, some stomped the wool in the kiddie pool, that was so much fun to watch!

My son videotaped the action on Saturday. I so appreciate his help and also Judy Broekemeier's help in recruiting volunteers to stomp on Sunday.  Special thanks to all the wonderful young people who abandoned their shoes and socks and stomped!

And this is a shot of what they did with all that stomping.

The best part for me was seeing the participants' faces and telling people all about felt and how it is made from WOOL - no spinning or knitting needed.

I now have 50 squares in yellow, blue and green and two big dark blue chunks to incorporate into a community rug. Lots of work to do this week to get ready for my FeltUnited exhibit on Saturday, October 2nd! (Complete details on that are in the previous post.)

Oh and for all you knitters, I had to get a photo of this adorable little girl and the cute sweater her grandmother knitted decades ago. It has been worn by several family members over the years and it's still in great condition.  I think I can figure out how to make one like it by tweaking a somewhat similar EZ pattern knit from the top down in 'Knitter's Almanac'.


  1. Great fun! I'm looking forward to seeing your rug that comes from these pieces. Felt rules.

  2. I just found your blog by accident and am quite glad I did. I LOVE your folk art! I will definitely visit again.
    Seo Servises

  3. Yup, felt rules! I'm still up in the air about the design of the rug itself, but it's going to happen today, one way or another. :-)

  4. Oh, Becky! Your rug is going to be so awesome! I wish I could come up for the Exhibition.

    Actually, I've been meaning to write to you. I'm wondering if you might be available to come down to Houston the weekend of Oct 30 to teach a felting class. I'm having an Open House on the 30th and will be teaching an 'intro to needle felting' class but I know that there are some people who would love to learn some more advanced felting techniques.

    Let me know if you're interested and available!

    P.S. That pink sweater IS gorgeous.

  5. Hi Nancy, your Open House sounds like lots of fun. I'll get back to you after the chaos of this week has died down. Maybe I could carpool with Kim...


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...