Tuesday, June 08, 2010

A New Tent!

Ask and ye shall receive!  Once I decided I absolutely had to have a new tent I started researching the various brands and their pricing. Since I have quit my day job, it's hard to shell out almost $1,000 for a good quality tent even if it is necessary. 
So last week I typed in "canopy" on Craigslist and low and behold, there was a used LightDome available in down in Redwing, MN!  That's 118 miles away, but I talked Stan into going down there with me and we picked it up Saturday morning.  It was a beautiful drive along the river seeing the bluffs and all the spring colors.  The gal who was selling the tent  for her artist dad had a candy store in town.  So we bought some of her artisan candy too.  Yumm!

We set up the tent on Sunday morning and a few hours later we had a good heavy rain.  No leaking!  I love how tall it is in the center compared to the EZUp and I love that every sidewall has a zippered center.  The zippers are much heavier weight than the ones on the EZUp.  Yes, the crazysheeplady was right, it's going to take two people to get it set up.  Like her, I may keep the EZUp for days when rain protection isn't a necessity.

I was spending money like a drunken sailor last week.  I couldn't resist the combination of spring colors in this hanging basket. I should have never walked into that little greenhouse in the parking lot of the grocery store. All I needed was milk and bread!

The prices really came down out on the hay now that people are haying again.  So I bought 70 small square bales last week at the auction. Stan always gets mad when I buy hay at the auction. He works on Wednesdays and isn't available to help me with it. We only live 4 miles away, so I figure I can just take my time and make trips with 25 bales at a time in the back of his pick up. But men always seem to think they have to go so fast with loading and stacking hay. On his lunch break he helped me to unload my first load. Then he hooked up the trailer and we headed back for the rest of it. He helped to load it all up before going back to work.  I have to admit, I was glad for the help, but I could have done it myself.  It just would have taken me a lot longer. :-)

Our front hayfield is now planted in corn. We have been getting plenty of rain the past few weeks and it's growing well.  I'm looking forward to getting our back hayfield harvested in a couple weeks.  Then I shouldn't have to buy more hay for this year.  But if I can get a good deal on orchard grass or alfalfa bales, I'll buy them and save them for next year's lambing.

It's another rainy day here and I plan to get some felting done.  And maybe some dyeing too.


  1. Congratulations on the tent. And I think that hanging basket is gorgeous. :)

  2. Thanks you guys. I really didn't think I would be able to locate a good used name brand tent. So I'm very grateful this one became available and I was the first to respond. Now I don't have to fear the rain anymore! I'll still fear the wind though. :)

  3. It's so exciting that you found a high quality tent that you could afford! Congratulations!!

  4. Nice tent and lovely flowers! Congrats!

  5. Good things, like the tent, happen to good people ,Becky. You deserve a good "find". I agree...an EZUp is not for foul weather.

  6. Oh my GOODNESS! I love your new blog look. It is absolutely gorgeous. Does blogger have new template choices or did you personally design this?

  7. Hi Sabrina, it's a blogger template. I love those birds. I need to figure out how to add pages to my blog. Then I'll get rid of my website.
    The UPS lady just dropped off the last of my Zielinger order. Oh,so much fun to see how the stuff I sent in was magically transformed into soft, VM free, workable fiber! I need to sit down a spin a little of the Shetland 3-way swirl right away. :)

  8. I remember that order of top you got back the day I visited. Lovely!
    I added pages to my Dad's website and it was super easy. Go to the tab POSTING, then choose EDIT PAGES. It'll give you a template to start a new one. If you want to check out what it can look like you can visit www.willellt.blogspot.com and see the one's I did. It's almost the same as posting. I intend to add a FOR SALE page, etc to my blog too.
    Good Luck!

  9. Thanks so much Sabrina, I will check it out!


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

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