Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fleece Samples Ready to Go

This is a quick post from my old computer.
I scanned my fleece samples before I send them out for micron testing. I got a surprise check in the mail the other day which was prize money for winning 3rd place in the finest fleece contest with Greyson's sample last December. I didn't realize the contest included prize money!  The check will help with the cost of testing this year, so now I've just got to get my samples sent in.

Sorry you can't see the whole staples and how crimpy or wavy they are due to my packaging, but you can get an idea of the length of my flock's wool.  You can click on the photos to biggify.

My blacks are mostly quite short and crimpy.  They are all heavy AI lines.  In fact, all my sheep have AI influence.  Frieda is the shortest stapled and Lana's pretty short too, but I love those girls anyway.  Cleo's fleece is a dream!  Eva is 3/4 Shetland and 1/4 BFL, her fleece is wonderful.

These are my more brown toned samples, except Camille and Greyson grey, not musket. They are twins out of Cordelia. And Peppy (Ile de France/Dorset) is white.

And these are the BFL fleece samples.  Socks is our Shetland Mule wether. I sold his fleece this year.  I never sell my fleeces directly to handspinners due to my worries about VM.  I always wash and process them into roving or top and sell that.  I love washing fleeces.


  1. Nice samples Becky! I like the way you have them sorted per color.

  2. Lovely fleeces, Becky. Wish I could be there to touch them in person because I know you have some soft sheep.

    Congratulations on your contest win and the prize money that came with it!


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