Friday, March 05, 2010

So Many topics to cover - so little time!

For a while there I had nothing to blog about, and now a million things are coming to my mind.
Like our new refrigerator and my agonizing day spent trying to get through to the Minnesota Energy Star Rebate program.  Luckily I got through at 8:30 p.m. and reserved my rebate funds just before all the funds ran out -- on the first day of the program!

Also, we had a strange black lab decide to come to our house and stay last weekend. Our LGD Shachah was beside himself trying to get at the stray. Which made it very nervous, but it wouldn't leave our place for some reason.  I couldn't let a strange dog run loose around here with our sheep and poultry, so we had to lock him in our garage while we started calling all the neighbors and the sheriff. Luckily our friend was gracious enough to house the dog while we continue to try to find his owner. We've called the vet's office and put ads on the radio and in the paper.  He's a nice dog and he knows how to sit when told, so he has to belong to somebody.

Recent blogs have inspired me to write about subjects like finding and keeping a good shearer (our shearing is scheduled for Monday),  lambing in cold temps, BFL hardiness vs. Shetland hardiness, bottle babies in the house (vs. in the barn), selecting rams. Oh yes, the list of subjects I've got opinions on is suddenly quite long.  But I'm going to spare you the agony of reading all that now and get to the point here because I am swamped with work and it's gorgeous outside.

I'm working on the booklet for the Shepherd's Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival and I just want to let everyone know there is still time to put an ad in the booklet.  The circulation of the booklet was around 8,000 copies last year.  Lots of people save their booklets for reference all year long and the web ads remain on the SH website all year too.  I think the ad prices are reasonable.  So if you want to advertise your farm, fiber, or shop, you can check out the information at  (FYI, the inside cover ad spaces have already been sold.)

Another announcement regarding Shepherds Harvest is that the 2010 class schedule is now up! There may be more additions coming.  Bob Padula has agreed to come on Saturday (May 8) to do a presentation for shepherds and handspinners on wool qualities. He will have the OFDA 2000 on hand to do micron testing also.  This is the same machine they use at Texas A & M, so if anyone is looking to have their flocks' wool samples micron tested, this is your chance to have it done without having to send your samples off and wait weeks for the results. The cost will be comparable -- although that information is not set in stone yet.

Also, I'm excited to see the Midwest Felting Symposium class schedule has been posted. I love the atmosphere there and I'm planning to go for at least a couple days again this year.  I might take the Nuno Felt- Origami folded purse class on Sunday.  My friend Nancy Hoerner is taking the Creative Felt Textures class that day along with her friend Caroline.  I was tempted to take that one too...but maybe Nancy and I can compare notes on the ride home.


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog Becky. The answer of your question; I use this technique also with Shetlands. the colour difference with Shetlands is perfect for it, but learning this with texelaar or some other meat sheep fleece, is a good idea.
    what kind of colour are your Shetlands? (I better take a look at the photographs on your site.:) )

  2. Oh Becky you're such an enabler...More time from work I must take off... :D

  3. Yes Rayna, you really have to get down there one of these years! There were looking for someone to show their Shetlands in the hall of breeds display. I'm doing a booth this year so I didn't want the extra work of bringing animals again. We'll probably still be lambing at the time too.

    Elis, thank you for visiting my blog too. :-) We sheared the sheep yesterday and I've got two really cool Shetland fleeces with black tips, a band of grey and a light cream inner coat. I think I will try out the technique first on a white Dorset/Finn/Ile de France fleece. If I can learn to do this technique as well as you, I might not have to spend all that money on tanning my sheepskins anymore. LOL


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...