Friday, March 12, 2010

A few photos while I keep working...

Shachah in the morning
I had my photos put on a CD so I could share a few here. I got a new laptop yesterday rather than buy myself a new card reader for my old computer (which is almost 5 years old now).  Hopefully I can get the laptop set up in the next few days.  Until then, here are sheep photos from early March.

Ward Harwell - yearling ram

Ward Harwell, what a beautiful face for a guy!

River Oaks Rhaya before shearing

Lanora's face too

Rhaya in front and her mother, Rhyn in back -- before shearing

Things have been so busy around here this week.  We got the shearing done on Monday and all went well. I love the rythym of shearing, the sound of the clipper and the predictable, repetitive motions used to rid the sheep of their fleece. I never like to have a crowd on hand for shearing, the best times are when it's quiet, just the sound of the clippers, the smell of sheep and just Stan and I and the shearer.  I make up the CDT shots ahead of time and labels for each sheep's bag of fleece. Then I just have to scoop up the fleece and put it in the bag before helping to put the naked sheep back into the pen.

All the sheep are in good flesh this year.   Unlike last year when I was feeding sub-par hay and they were SO horribly thin at shearing. And yes, there will be lambs as planned in April! It's always a relief to see the bags starting and the round tummies.  I will upload photos of the shorn sheep when time permits.

I'm am working like a mad woman on the Shepherd's Harvest booklet.  In fact, I've been so involved, I left  poor Ozzie out in the rain overnight last night. I left the light on so I wouldn't forget he was out there, but I was so wiped out that my reminder didn't work.  Bless his heart, I think he's forgiven me already.  I just hope he doesn't get sick now.  The booklet should be done on Monday.  So you can download a copy on the Shepherd's Harvest Sheep & Wool Festival website shortly after that.

The Census Bureau called the other day and I've been selected to work another detail.  I'll be in training for four days next week. This time I'm not adjusting my work schedule at the deli, because I can always work those few days in while I do the census work.  I have really enjoyed the census jobs I've done so far.  I've met people and learned a lot about the area.  It's kind of like being on a treasure hunt finding the right home and then hoping to find a person to talk to once you get there.  The only thing that has me a little worried this time around is the flooding.  There are so many rivers in our area and with our recent melting and rainfall, they are rising fast. I don't want to have to drive through any flooded country roads. 

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Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

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