I've been watching for Mabeline to lamb for days. You may recall that I had her marked on the calendar for Easter lambs. She did the same thing to me last year, she's as big as a house and appears very dropped. She was the only ewe bred to produce Mule lambs for me this year. (The 3/4 BFL lambs we've had born here aren't Mules, they are just crosses.)

If Mabeline doesn't lamb this week, she may have been bred to Kimberwood Harrison. Same story with Mabeline's daughter, Delia, who looks ready to go any minute.

Our BFL ewe, Lanora, should lamb anytime, Saturday will be 147 days from when we took the ram out. She's getting quite a bag.

Poor Hattie isn't due until May 2nd.
No new lambs for days now, so here are some photos of the last two that were born.

Above are Lavender (in back) and Devlyn (foreground). Lavender weighed 11 pounds at 24 hours. She and Devlyn are pals, but he has to be careful of her overprotective mother who butts him away pretty soundly. Devlyn is taller than Lavender but not as wide. They are so cute together.

Here's a nicer shot of Devlyn, he's such a cutie and so full of energy! I can't wait to see what Lanora has.
I am enjoying my new job. It has taken me into some interesting places. Yesterday I had to drive through a herd of longhorn cattle in my little RED van -- TWICE. They were docile enough, and MOST of them willingly got out of my way, but I kept imagining those 2' long horns breaking through my window or bashing the van if there was a bull or a new mom in the crowd. Yes, it is an exciting job!
Your lambs are sweet! And your poor ewes are looking w-i-d-e! Anytime now!
ReplyDeletePoor Maybeline, any news yet? The BFLs are adorable with their perky ears.