Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall colors, Wild Turkeys, and Cattle

The beautiful fall colors are history already. The ewe pasture doesn't look like this anymore...Or this...
Things are starting to look Novembery already. Well, I guess November isn't too far off.

Stan and I went over to the land in Ogilvie the other night to pick up a big bale of hay and check to see if the cattle were grazing our pasture. Yes, they were!
Isn't it amazing that those big beasts can be contained with just a single strand of hot wire? In the photo above you can see some of the 40 head of cattle our hayman runs in our pasture. Stan had to fix the fence and move the east line before the cattle could be put out there. There's lots more pasture over the horizon too. These cattle will hardly make a dent in it. I wish I could have my sheep over there making use of all that forage!

I found some crab apples to pick. The deer must have gotten the rest of them because I couldn't find any on the ground.

We often see turkeys over there and this time I had the camera with me... I hope people are enjoying whatever might be left of their fall colors and fall weather. Sounds like we've got snow in the forecast for this weekend.


  1. Beautiful photographs, Becky! I'm ready for the cold weather ~ even put my "ultra warm", down comforter on my bed...bring it on!

    I'm still knitting on my queen sized blanket. I should finish it in another year. I swear, it must already weigh about 10 pounds! I'll have to do another blog post about it this winter.

  2. Thanks Nancy, you always did like things cool, LOL. Good luck with your blanket, that's quite a project! I'd love to see how it's coming along. I've been feeling like knitting again too, but I haven't found a pattern to jump into. Your project reminded me that I should finish knitting my Pi shawl from Willy's lamb fleece. I ran out of yarn last winter and the just forgot about it. I'll have to comb his fleece and spin up some more yarn so I can finish the last few rows and do the border. Thanks for the reminder! I'd love to get it done soon so I can snuggle into it this winter. :-)

  3. I look forward to coming back and seeing more of your blog. lou x


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