Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Needle Felting Project

First, Socks says "Hi". It's always so hard to get a photo of him, because he's so friendly. He's Mabeline's Shetland Mule lamb that has been wethered.

I've been working on this needle felted bust of my friend Mark for his 60th birthday, which was yesterday. I thought I was done, but since his wife didn't pick it up, I'm re-doing the left hand (it was too big and the arm too long) and I'm making some glasses for him. I might even throw together a shirt for him to wear. I stuffed the belly with rocks to add stability and weight. I sewed the head onto the body too. But I left the hat removable so we could enjoy the bald head. Lots of fun to do, but very time consuming!

This is a shot of Jemma's Shetland Mule ram lamb. He's not growing very fast. He's just as cute as a bug's ear and so friendly. I haven't wethered him yet because he's so small, but I think he would make a nice fiber pet.

And here's a shot of Matt and Rhyn's BFL ewe lamb, Onyx. She's really friendly too. Just like her mom who loves attention. The both of them are shown below. Me and Mini-Me. ;-)


  1. Your felted figure is AWESOME, Becky! I love the details. Very cool. Have you ever tried doing a sheep?

  2. Thanks Nancy. Yes, I've done some standing sheep. I only have one left though. I'd like to try some action poses in the sheep. But I really enjoy doing people's faces, they are so much fun. It's too bad they need a body to go along with the head. LOL.

  3. Oh my gosh, what talent!You have amazing detail on your felted guy....right down to the butt crack! LOL

  4. wow you could work for Mattel or something with that little felted man!

    And again....those BFLs are so beautiful. I"m so jealous! :)

  5. I LOVE THE PLUMBERS BUTT! omg I laughed so hard when I saw that. Very cute Becky, and Onxy is gorgeous :)

  6. Thanks you guys. Yes, I got a kick out of the butt crack too. I'd like to make more of these figures, maybe do some famous people...and of course, sheep breeds would be fun to do too. I'm hoping to do some "felt paintings" out west next week too. Oh, to see mountains again! Kim and Susan can play with the dogs and I hope to get some landscapes done.
    And we can bring back Shetlands or BFLs from Estes Park if anyone needs transportation...I'm going to stay strong and resist adding anything more to my already oversized flock.

  7. Very well done. I'm a needle felting addict. For anyone who wants to see how this unique craft is done, I have a movie of me making a needle felted sheep on my site at:

    I buy my wool from a local farmer and dye it myself. I just bought a drum carder (yay!) and I make the little sheep to go with my picture book which I also illustrated with needle-felted art.

    I love the detail on your piece. I'm sure your friend is going to love it!

  8. Becky, you have some amazing talent as a needle felter! Beautiful work.

  9. Thanks Kim and Karen. And thanks for the link to your how-to videos, Kim. They were very easy to follow. I love the needle felted illustrations in your book too.

  10. I know nothing about needle felting, but I sure am impressed with your likeness of Mark! He should be wowed by it.


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