Friday, April 04, 2008

Yes! We Have Lambs!

Hannah delivered a set of ram lambs this afternoon with very little fanfare and on her due date no less. A moorit smirslet and a lighter moorit, possibly mioget (fingers crossed!).

It was beautiful warm day. I fed the ewes about 2:00 p.m. and strolled the pasture, thinking of my rotational grazing plans for summer.

While feeding, I noticed that Elsa had lost her mucous plug and looked very dropped. She's not due until Monday, but it wouldn't be uncommon for her to go 3 days early (144 days). So when I came in the house, I turned on the barn cam. I had the sound on, but didn't hear any sounds of labor. After a while I noticed a bunch of ewes all very interested in something in the corner of the barn. And one dark ewe's tail was elevated for the whole time - Elsa is white. I listened for baby sounds, nothing. Finally the ewes stepped back and I saw a tiny little white spotted head bobbing around! I put on my boots and flew out to the barn with Ozzie.

All was quiet and peaceful in the barn, on a warm sunny afternoon. It's just so very calm and beautiful seeing the little newborn get on his feet and search for his first drink. And mom busily licking him off, talking to him quietly. The other ewes sauntered over to get acquainted with the new little guy. I felt so privileged to be there, accepted by the flock and witnessing it all up close.
A second water bag appeared and I waited for a while in hopes that baby number two would arrive shortly.

Then I remembered I had the camera in my pocket! I took it out and sure enough, it never fails, there was a card error. If it's not dead batteries or lack of the photo card, it's the sudden unexplained demise of the photo card!

So I went back in the house for the iodine, a scissors and a different camera card. I still had the barn cam going and after about 10 minutes the second lamb had dropped and was being licked off. Again, no sounds of labor, no prolonged birth, just plopping out a lamb! Hannah must take after her mother Bramble Hetty who delivered her and her twin with very little effort. My worries about overfeeding the alfalfa rations seem to be unfounded at this point. These lambs are not large at all, the look to be about 5 pounds. And they are just so cute!

Here's lamb #1, the darker one...

And below is the lighter ram lamb. I'm not sure how to tell mioget at birth. River Oaks Hannah is an F2 Holly, she's dark moorit and she was bred to Windswept Boggart, a rose mioget ram with facial spots. Maybe #1 is a dark moorit and #2 is a regular moorit. Any suggestions are welcome!

Now I suddenly realize I haven't made my usual list of names. Gosh, I'd better get going on that!

Next up on the calendar is Delia tomorrow, she's a Shetland Mule bred to a BFL. Then on Sunday we have Jemma and Mabline marked down and two more on Monday. Mabeline is pictured below. She's a very sweet ewe who is roo-able. That's a trait I'd like to line breed. She's a very wide load!


  1. Congrats on the lambs! They are adorable!

  2. Congratulations! April 4 was "the day" here, too, with my own pair of beautiful ram lambs. A happy day for both of us!

  3. Congratulations on the new lambs. Yeah!

  4. Thanks you guys.

    Michelle, congrats on your lambs! Delivered after your husband left? I hope everything went smoothly.

    Becca, I've been watching your blog and seeing all the spotted Wesley babies. Hannah and Hattie are Wesley's 1/2 sisters, you know - all are out of Bramble Hetty. I wanted to let you know that Hetty did have spots on her face. I'll post a picture of her in my next post. She was a grand old gal, I miss her. I can't wait to see what Hattie gives me for lambs!

  5. Congrats Becky! Beautiful babies!


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