Sunday, April 06, 2008

One more ram lamb...and waiting for the ewes

We got another moorit ram lamb yesterday. He's out of River Oaks Eliza and Windswept Boggart. He's pretty big, a single with big horn buds. He and his mom, Eliza, are for sale as a package this spring. He carries modified and UK genetics.

Eliza has one of the best fleeces in our Shetland flock, she's got a beautiful face and very pleasant personality. In fact, her fleece is the one Shetland fleece I saved for competitions this year. Last year she had a white ram lamb with the same sire. He had really nice fleece but his right horn was close. We can wether this little guy if the pair goes to a fiber home.

Hanah's two boys are smaller in comparison with Eliza's boy. The smirslet twin the smallest of all the lambs. He's such a cutie! Notice the little moon spot on the lighter twin's rump. He's also got lighter areas on the top of his head and ears. Hannah has moon spots too.

Today I'm hoping that Hattie will drop whatever it is she's carrying in there. She and Mabeline are huge as you can see in photo above. The poor girls can hardly breath when they lay down! Hattie appears to have dropped today but her due date is April 9. Mabeline is on the calendar for today along with Jemma. But I don't think they've consulted it.

So I'm carding up Lucy's (our grey katmoget) fleece this rainy afternoon. I handcomb it after drumcarding. And in this photo you can see the washed fleece on the left, the carded batts on the top right and a skein of handspun yarn just above the lazy kitty, Damian. I loved the variegation in Lucy's yarn, and it's so soft! The fleece was only about a pound and a quarter after skirting and washing, so it doesn't take much to process it all myself.


  1. Hi Becky! Nice crimp on the little guy. Do you have Eliza's micron report handy? I may be interested in using her this fall. email me privately! Thanks

  2. Becky,
    What cute lambies. And Lucy's fleece is so beautiful. She is a prize.

    Your twin boys are cute too. I would think the lighter one is definitely a modified. It'll be fun to watch his color mature.


  3. This recent photo shows the color difference between Hannah's twins very well. Pretty! Why would you sell Eliza if she has your best fleece?

  4. Garrett, yes, Eliza's lamb's coat feels the softest of the three lambs. I may be too hasty here. Ha, Ha. I sent you her micron report.

    Michelle, I'm cutting back on the Shetland ewe flock to 6 ewes at the most. Eliza has singled three years in a row. She may do better under some else's management.

    Sabrina, thanks, I'm excited to watch their fleeces change. I hope you get a grey katmoget lamb too! I love grey fleece, and haven't had since I sold Rachel. :-)

    Did anyone notice Hannah's lambs may be half polls? They just have flat leathery patches. I didn't really think about it much until I saw the big horn buds on Eliza's lamb. But I thought Hannah and Hattie would be possible poll carriers being that they are F2 Holly.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...