Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Another Felted Fleece class and exciting news!

I've got openings for 3 or 4 people  for a felted fleece class on Wednesday, August 10th in my outdoor studio in Ogilvie, MN. This was going to be a private session, but we decided to open it up. Contact me if you're interested.

I did this Karakul fleece yesterday, it's 6 feet long. It still needs some trimming done around the edges, but I love those beautiful long locks!  Karakul fleece is great for a rug or wall hanging, felts very fast. A big thanks to my shearer for passing this beautiful fleece on to me.

I had a great time in Grand Marais teaching the raw felted fleece class at North House Folk School. We were blessed with beautiful weather and not too much wind. The students did a great job on their fleeces. The fleeces left to right in the photo above are: a Cotswold, Karakul cross, Shetland/BFL cross, Jacob and a Border Leicester/Bluefaced Leicester cross.

And most exciting news! 

I am going to Shetland for a felting retreat with Fiona Duthie next May! Ever since I got into raising and breeding Shetland sheep 15 years ago, I've wanted to go to Shetland to see the sheep and the landscape. When Fiona announced she was having this retreat in 2017 I didn't hesitate to sign up. So now I'm resolved to sell some sheep and wool and felt art to finance my trip. Oh and I'll need a passport -- so excited! :-)

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Flock Reduction

I've decided to cut back my flock and try to quit breeding (my shepherd friends will understand) so that I can focus more on fiber and my art.
I've listed all of my sheep on the sale page, except for a few that will retire here, but even they could be placed in the right home.  I'm sorry I don't have many photos yet, I'll get some up asap.
I can haul up to 10 sheep to Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival in September, but my preference is to move them out sooner if possible. I don't have any pasture here, but they have been clearing away the forest floor as fast as I can put up the electronet.
Click on the Sheep for Sale page to see a listing of what I have available. So many beautiful fleeces in this group and they're pretty friendly too!

Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...