Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pam MacGregor Teapot Masterclass in Minnesota June, 2014

I am very excited to announce that Pam MacGregor will be coming to Minnesota in June 2014 and she has agreed to teach a 3 day Masterclass focusing on her wonderful teapots.  I've studied with Pam and I know that she is a gifted artist and generous teacher.  You can see from the photos that her work speaks for itself.

Felted Teapot 3 -day Masterclass with none other than Pam MacGregor, 
check out her work at

Details:  Friday through Sunday, June 6, 7, 8, 2014
Anoka Fiber Works, 4153 Coon Rapids Blvd.,
Coon Rapids, MN 55433  

This special Felted Teapot 3 day masterclass will focus on creating a beautiful, although non-functional, felted tea pot. You will learn how to make a well fitted stopper/top, a sturdy handle and discuss additional elements including how to make and add feet. Each teapot will be unique. There will be time for discussion on the many possibilities and combinations for creating any teapot or vessel.
The rating for this class is intermediate to advanced. Skill in wool layout and working with a resist is mandatory.

About the instructor: Pamela is a retired art teacher, living on a small farm just outside of scenic Grand Rapids, Ohio.  Since her retirement, she has become impassioned with traditional wet felting. She finds traditional felting energizing in it's versatility and the medium pushes her into constant and exciting engineering challenges. Pamela has been teaching felting classes in her studio as well as classes nationally and internationally.  Her work has  been exhibited in international, national, invitational art shows and is in private collections.
Tuition: $275 plus materials,  Class is limited to 12 students.
To register or for further information: contact Becky Utecht at 320-679-4117 or


  1. Yes, aren't they beautiful? I am honored to organize this class, she'll be teaching in several countries in 2014. Very glad she was able to work this into her busy schedule.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...