Friday, February 08, 2013

Art Show and Gallery

Today is the opening of the Kanabec County Art Association's annual Vasaloppet Art Show. I've entered a raw felted fleece from River Oaks Mystery, a birdhouse pod, a covered vessel, and the piece shown below, "Let There be Light".

Last week I set up a display at the Artist's Guild Gallery in Stillwater, MN.

I've taken my things out of the Anoka Fiber Arts Co-Op for now. It is changing locations from Anoka to Coon Rapids and I just have too many irons in the fire these days. If you want to buy yarn or fiber, please contact me directly.  I will be putting some things in the Made of Mora Shop here in Mora. And I will be doing booths at Shepherds Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival in Lake Elmo this May as well as the Cambridge Fiber Fair in October of this year.

All is well on the sheep front. I love this time of year when the sheep are comfy and cool.

My ducks are in need of a drake. It's that time of year already. If anyone out there knows where I can get a Saxony drake (or Silver Appleyard or Pekin drake), please let me know.

Well, lots to do today before I go in to work at the art show.


  1. You might want to check with my cousin, Rayna for a drake. (North Star Shetlands) We'll miss you at the co-op.

    1. I'll miss you guys too. Hopefully I can get down there and teach a few classes now and then. Yes, I thought of Rayna too. But I know she's got muscovies and I don't want a muscovy drake. They are cool birds, though.

  2. How lovely to see your new work, Becky! Your framed works are great and I think you know how I swoon over your raw fleece pieces! XXO-

    1. Thanks Heather! I think the felted fleece lap blanket I entered in the show is one of my best, it's so soft and has lots of color variation. I've got 10 fall-sheared fleeces to work on as soon as I get a chance. Can't believe it's almost time to shear again. :-)

  3. Beautiful piece! You are a busy woman, aren't you? I had sent an email to the Anoka co-op a while back about the class you were teaching but never heard back. I hope it was a rousing success.

    I know I'm a ways away, but if you don't find a drake for your flock, I'll offer you Henry. He's a pekin and a very nice boy.

  4. Thanks Lisa, I might take you up on that offer if I can't find a drake locally. I had a lovely Pekin drake that came with my two Saxony ducks. But with only three females, I cut back to just one drake last fall and I chose the Blue Swedish because I have a Blue Swedish duck. Unfortunately, he was attacked by something and I had to put him down. :( I'll get in touch with you if I need to make the trek up there for Henry. It would be so much fun too meet you!


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...