Sunday, December 11, 2011

My First Pizzelles!

Thinking ahead to Christmas gifts, I ordered myself a pizzelle baker on Cyber Monday.  I've wanted one for years. One of the ladies in our art group always gives a coffee can full of pizzelles to everyone for Christmas and I thought that would be a fun thing for me to do, too.

You can see a couple got a little dark there, but they still tasted great.

I also got a new camera.  I don't know how my little Olympus suddenly developed a big streak across the LED screen, but I found it hard to take good quality fleece shots with that camera.  So this time I ordered the same model as Michelle McMillen, her photos are always fantastic. It's a Lumix. I know Kelly Bartels has a Lumix camera too and her photos are great too.  I hope my photos will improve with a better camera. I love it already even though I haven't used it very much. It's more intuitive than the Canon I had and I think the quality of the photos will be much better.

Stan would have turned 60 on Tuesday this week (the 13th).  In honor of his birthday, I am ordering meat and cheese trays for the employee break room at Coborn's.  I feel such a debt of gratitude to everyone there for all their support this summer and their work and contributions to the benefit. I plan to bring in some pizzelles too. :-)  I'm going to try making some chocolate ones next.

I will post more later, things are still super busy here and I can't believe that Christmas is only two weeks from today. Yikes!


  1. THAT photo looks yummy! I have a krumkake iron and love those; are pizelles similar? I didn't realize Stan's birthday was also in December, along with Christmas; that must make you miss him even more. You are in our prayers daily!

  2. I am from Ohio & we LOVE pizelles! My favorite have just a hint of anise. Folks here in South Carolina where we not live just don't get my cravings for a fresh pizelle. Congratulations. And prayers for peace.

  3. Thanks Michelle, I just looked at the box and I realized I misspelled pizzelle throughout my post, it's supposed to have two z's. Oops! Yes, a pizzelle is like a thin krumkake. I love how light and tasty they are.

  4. Thanks Deb, I love the ones with anise, that's the kind my friend makes. I didn't have any anise on hand today so I went with almond extract. Tomorrow I'll shop for anise. :-)

  5. Yum!! It sounds like you've made a couple of nice purchases, lately...good for you! I vote for the anisette ones, too.
    I guess Deb and I have the Ohio AND the anisette things both in common! XXO-

  6. Oh, those look YUMMY!
    What a thoughtful thing to do for the folks that Stan worked with. I bet he's proud of you.

    How does your Feb. look?
    I'd like to plan a fiber weekend with you teaching. I've got lots of local interest!


  7. Hi Becky, I had never seen pizzles before - I will have to google them. It is so fun to have all this information at our finger tips. You are an inspiration to embrace life as the Lord sends it to us and find joy wherever we can.

  8. Oh Judith, please don't Google pizzle, you might be surprised at what comes up! LOL.
    Be sure to include two z's and two l's. I'm thinking Pizzelles are the Italian version of Krumkake. I'm so glad I finally invested a Pizzelle maker, I didn't realize how difficult this time of year would be. I'm hanging in there though.


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