Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good bye to 2011

The end of the year is upon us. As usual, 2011 went by way too fast.  I could have never imagined all the changes that have taken place in my life at the beginning of this year, but the year was filled with beauty, excitement, love and grief.  Certainly a year filled with LIFE and LIVING and that's what it's all about.

Last year at Christmas I was on a creative bender, enjoying all the things I could do with felt.  The purchase of the felt rolling machine made it possible for me to make yardages. I made my first felt garments and then started mixing my felt with stitching and twigs and rocks from the pasture. The compositions were just falling into place so easily!  I knew it was a special time.

In February I was involved in several grant projects and  the Vasaloppet Art show where my work was hung front and center for all to see when they walked in the door.  It was quite an honor to finally get placed there. :-)  I was still working on my rolling machine grant and trying to do as much felting as possible.

Lambing started early in March with the BFLs.  It was the first time we've lambed that early.  The BFL lambs did great in the cold temps, in fact they seemed to grow even better in the cold than they do in the heat.  We lost one crossbred Mule lamb to a combination of wind and freezing temps-- it never even occurred to me to lock up my experienced Shetland ewe that night.  Live and learn.  Shearing was in March too, lots of fun with fleeces.

April saw the arrival of the Shetland lambs and one last BFL lamb to a yearling ewe.  I was away at an Arts Leadership conference and had to rush home when Stan called to tell me he found a lamb with no mama. I was so appreciative to have Stan take care of my animals when I was gone even though he was never a fan of the sheep.  He followed my directions and tried to give that orphan a bottle I had prepared before I left, but the lamb wouldn't take it.  Everything worked out fine in the end, it was just a bit of a rocky start for that young BFL and her lamb.  The conference was a really good experience for me too.  I had an "Ah-ha" moment when I realized that the more I looked inward at what was important to me, my core values, etc. the more my work could serve others.  It's a paradox, but so true. The more we are true to our own purpose, the more our actions will ripple out and affect others. Just think we can be selfish and generous at the same time!

May was filled with excitement at having Jeanne Carbonetti here for the watercolor workshop. I've always loved her philosophy of art and living a creative life.  Her teaching reinforced what I had learned at the conference. It was wonderful to have her here in Mora and get her feedback on my fiber work.  I look forward to working more in watercolor and incorporating some of her painting techniques in my fiber work. 

To be selected as a Forecast Public Art planning grant recipient was wonderful too.  I loved the birdhouses I created and put out on display.  They were a big hit with all the people who saw them.  Little did I know that they were the only part of my grant proposal that I would actually get to explore, but they touched my life in such a symbolic and personal way -- and they are the focus of my next big project!

June was busy with felting, doing booths, finishing up my rolling machine grant and the Carbonetti grant report. That was when Stan first started feeling that food was getting stuck at the top of his stomach.  I knew that was serious and I told him to make an appointment with the doctor, but he didn't do it right away.  One night he threw up right after supper and that's when I decided to get him in to the doctor the next day.  I was so worried on our 36th anniversary, but Stan was always optimistic.  He was never one to worry.  He remained that way right up until his last days in October. He was always looking on the bright side and when it became apparent that the bright side was a permanent end to his suffering, he was brave and practical as we made plans for how I would carry on.  I was brave too, little did I know how hard it was going to be.

His illness taught us both a lot about people and about God and the meaning of life. It was such a privilege to see people living their faith, giving their special gifts to make things easier for us -- the doctors and nurses, our neighbors, friends, co-workers, families, and people we didn't even know.  Each had his or her own specialty that was given to us.  There's nothing more important in life than that.

So goodbye to 2011, and hello to 2012 where I hope that my special gift in service to others will make a little bit of difference. 


  1. Thank you for sharing. Much to think, pray & ponder over.

  2. Wishing you all the best for the new year!

  3. How beautiful, Becky!!
    I was thinking about you earlier today, because I received "500 Felt Objects" for Christmas. As I was working my way steadily through it, I came upon your sheep portrait and told my family, "Oh, this is my friend, Becky who made this!" You're a rock star, my dear!! XXO-

  4. She is a rock star, isn't she Heather? If I could be half as strong, and half the artist ;-) that Becky is, I'd be set :) Here's to a good year in 2012 :)

  5. Thanks everyone. Yes having that piece included in the "500 Felt Objects" was a big thrill! I was involved with another book in 2011, "Smart Lotionmaking" by Anne Watson. I did some proofreading and tried out the recipes. So I got a mention in the acknowledgements and a free copy of that book too. I'll have to make a post about lotion making. Everyone should try it. It's easy and much less expensive than buying lotions.
    I'm so glad that we're in the new year now, here's to a good for all of us. :-)


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...