Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Life is what happens when you were making other plans. 
It's been a stressful week, my husband has been diagnosed with cancer.
At the hospital for further testing today. Prayers for strength and healing greatly appreciated.


  1. oh my god Becky, I'm so sorry. I love you guys! He's always been so nice to us. You're in our thoughts and prayers hun, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call/email. I'm only a hop, skip & a jump away :) *BIG HUGS*

  2. I was thinking that some of the things happening on our farm were a bit stressful, but your news puts everything in perspective. My prayers are with you both. I do hope all goes well with your husband's treatment and that you have a good group of doctors to work with.

  3. Oh Becky.......Please know that there are caring folks all around you and lots of prayer for the best possible outcome. I once heard a spouse of a cancer survivor say, "We both had cancer, because I was there every single second". You can fight this together.
    I'm a survivor and I'm here to tell you that this thing can be beat! Love and hugs to you and your hubby.

  4. Thinking of you and Stan. I'll say a prayer and hope everything turns out fine.

  5. Hang on, Becky; it may be a rough ride. But I'll add my prayers to the rest and the Lord WILL get you both through this!

  6. Hugs to you both and wishing all the best to you and Stan..

  7. Thanks to you all for the prayers and good vibes. I know dealing with this won't be easy, but I am overwhelmed at all the support of friends and family. We're both feeling somewhat relieved after today's tests. We should find out more on Thursday when we go back down and speak to a surgeon. He has esophageal cancer which makes eating difficult. Those of you who know Stan know that he doesn't have much weight to lose. I'll be making lots of lamb stew in the coming weeks.

  8. I'll pray for Stan to respond well to any treatment and for you both to find peace. I'm sorry this happened to your family and hope that it brings you even closer together.

    God bless you all!

  9. I will also pray for healing. Please keep us posted Becky.

  10. Thanks so much Nancy & Stephen. Yes I will keep you posted.

  11. Becky, I am so sorry to hear about your husband...prayers for you both.

  12. Hi Becky,
    So sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you and Stan, for healing and strength. You're boundless creativity is always an inspiration to me. Take care,

  13. Oh Becky,
    I am so sorry. Are you using hospitals down this way? I hope the best for you and Stan.

  14. Yes Gail, he's going to the Virginia Piper Institute at Abbott Northwestern. He had surgery yesterday afternoon and I didn't get home until late last night. He might come home tomorrow on on Monday the 4th. I have to clean up the house, buy feed and check on our hay which was supposed to be baled yesterday...we had 2" of rain last night.

  15. Becky, I am so sorry to learn of Stan's illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Call me if you need ANYTHING.

  16. Oh, Becky-I just read your post! I'm SO sorry to hear your news. Yes--I will keep your husband in my prayers. Please take care of yourself, too, during this difficult time.
    Hugs and love-

  17. Thanks so much Terri and Heather. I think things will settle down next week when he starts treatment.


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