Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Shepherd's Harvest Festival is this Weekend!

This is a busy week. I'm making last minute preparations for my booth at Shepherd's Harvest this Saturday and Sunday in Lake Elmo, MN.

I've got to finish getting my booth set up ready.  Along with skirting and washing fleeces like crazy, I'm sewing up a back panel for my booth this year.  Last year I was in the middle aisle of Building D on the north end.  I'm in the same building this year and hopefully I'll be in the same spot. I'll hang a River Oaks Studio banner on the back panel, stop by and introduce yourself if you're at the festival. The weather is supposed to warm up by then.

I'll have a few raw fleeces (BFL/Shetland crosses), Bluefaced Leicester yarn, combed top and roving from my registered Shetlands and Bluefaced Leicester sheep, handcrafted soap, sheepskins, felted items, nunofelt scarf kits, sheep and fiber notecards, and a listing of sheep for sale (oh that's so hard!).  Also, a friend from our local art group is moving and has decided to sell her sheep collection, so I'll have that in my booth too.

The incubator is still going. NONE of the Shetland goose eggs were fertile! I set up a wading pool for the geese to see if that helps them get things right.  If not, I think we will be having some very expensive goose dinners. Nine of the Buff Chantecler eggs are fertile and should hatch around May 16th. 

The lambs are growing and looking good.  Lots of tail variations on Hansel's gulmoget lambs. Click on the photo above to see some of the tails. That's Rhisa's BFL ram lamb on the top right with the really long tail. LOL. Still waiting on Ginger to lamb, her bag is growing and I can see lambs kicking, but it looks like it will still be weeks away.

White Bluefaced Leicester ewes, Beechtree Lanora (center back) and her 2008 daughter Leora (right), with their lambs born on March 21st.  Lanora's ram lambs are on the left and Leora's ewe lambs are in the center. The sheep photos were taken about 10 days ago.


  1. Beautiful sheep and lambs Becky. Good luck this weekend.

  2. Have a great show! Wish I could come up. Some day :-).

  3. Thanks ladies. I would love to visit Kentucky someday too! I really have to get busy today. Yesterday after writing all that, I got sidetracked with felting a raw fleece. It was a very DIRTY job which needed to be done outdoors, but the result is a very soft Shetland blanket that looks like a sheepskin.

  4. Your lambs are just gorgeous, Becky. I love that pale gulmoget ram lamb!


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...