Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hatch Completed- new photo added

This picture tells the story.

The other two chicks have now hatched and the little Buff Chantecler family has been moved to larger quarters.
That young hen didn't get off the nest once in the 48 hours she was inside the house. So nothing to clean up in our spare room. But the minute I put her and the three chicks in this bigger crate, well, all I can say is "Whew!!!"

The next few days are supposed to be nice here in Minnesota, so tomorrow afternoon they will return to the barn and I will hang a light over the chick waterer to keep it from freezing.  The hen will keep the chicks plenty warm.  I can't say enough about what a good broody hen she has turned out to be. 
Hopefully I can get a photo of all three chicks before they go back outside.  They are like peas in a pod!

Update on 2/4/11:  Well here they are this morning. The one in front does look a little lighter than the other two.


  1. Congratulations Becky! I can't wait to see pictures of the chicks. I hope they do ok out in the barn.

  2. Thanks Nancy, I know I won't get as nice a photo as you take, but I'll try to get a shot of all three. They were pretty upset at the move to new quarters and I didn't want to disturb them any more than necessary.

  3. So, so very cute. What fun pictures to see on this sub-zero morning.

  4. Thanks Karen, it is nice to have baby chicks around when it's this cold outside. :-)


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