Friday, January 14, 2011

Master Felter's Class in Mora?

Lots of exciting things going on here this week!  One is a secret for now, but the other needs to get out there right away -- here it is.

I am working on organizing a possible master felter's class to be held this coming September in Mora, MN.  (Mora is 65 miles north of Minneapolis.)

Elis Vermuelen of Zeeland, the Netherlands will be the instructor of the two-day session. Elis is the co-founder of FeltUnited, International Day of Felt. She is an outstanding artist and felter. To see her work, visit her website or checkout her blog link to the right.
Exact dates for the workshop have not been set yet, but the possibilites are sometime during the week of Sept. 12-16th or the 26-30th. Project possiblities are a wooly bag or boots, a spikey hat or scarf.

Once I find out the level of interest, I can move forward to finalize dates and project(s). The cost of the 2-day workshop is looking like $250 plus materials.

If we go with the last week of September, we may be able to offer a glass button making class with Jone Rakoski as well. 
Elis' class will be for people with prior felting experience - it's not a beginners class. If you are interested, please contact me at becky at riveroakssheep dot com or by phone at 320-679-4117.

I hope we get enough interest to make this a go!

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