Sunday, August 08, 2010


I've been on a felting bender for over a week now.  Yesterday I finished two hats that were inspired by Suzanne Higgs' beautiful work and the hats I saw at the Midwest Felting Symposium. I think they will be warm in the winter with all those layers.

This hat is made from black Shetland and a romney wool/angora rabbit blend batting. I was unhappy with all the long hairs on it while fulling, but now that it's dry, I love the soft matt surface provided by the angora fiber.

This one is the Black Shetland liner with a dyed Romney wool and silk cap embellishments. I also made some felt covered buttons and the nuno/laminated scarf on the mannequin.
I finally finished this black Shetland hat about 5 days earlier than the ones above. 

It seemed that the fedora style was the only kind of hat I could make, so I forced myself to try something different.  Everything looks good on that head.  I look terrible in hats myself.

Sorry for the lack of a decent background, I'm just too busy creating to clean up my work space.  I will do a proper photo shoot of all the things I've been making at some point in the future.


  1. You're right -- everything DOES look good on that head! (I especially like "her" in the top one.) And I look terrible in hats, too....

  2. Beautiful Becky! I wish I looked better in a hat...

  3. I love your new blog look! (at least it's new to me ~ I've been "out of commission" for a while)

    Your work looks SO professional! Where'd you get your mannequin head?

  4. Thanks ladies! Isn't it funny how we feel so uncomfortable about wearing hats? I might actually wear one of these hats in the winter, they are lightweight enough not to smash your hair down and I think they will be warm.
    I got the head from an ad on Craigslist Nancy. I got a great deal on it and an adjustable dress form with stand from a lady who wanted to clear space in her house again. I love Craigslist. :)

  5. LOVE the bottom one! But you know how I love fedoras :D They all look great, just like EVERYTHING else you do :P *jealous*


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...