Friday, July 23, 2010

From Heat, Hay and Humidity to Brunch and the Midwest Felting Symposium

I bought 20 small squares of alfalfa at the auction on Wednesday for the lambs.  We started weaning them on Sunday.  I really didn't want to have to stack hay in the heat, but thankfully a nice young man hopped into the bed of my pickup and helped me load them up. Once at home our hay guy called to say that he was baling the rest of our field. So that meant we'd have to go stack it after Stan got off work since rain was in the that night.
When we got out to the land this is what we found.The baler was really buried, but Randy had gotten every bale off the hayfield.
It was so humid I was sweating like crazy just from walking back to check on the field and the pond. We had 2 1/2 inches of rain over the weekend and the pond keeps getting fuller.

As the guys worked on getting unstuck, I stayed in the shade of the pickup and played around with self portraits in the rear view mirror..

I kind of like the serious look of this one...

After the bigger tractor arrived and pulled the baler out, it was just a matter of time until it pulled the hay rack up to the pole barn and we had to get started unloading the 220 bales. We paced ourselves and drank plenty of water.  We managed to finish up before dark, which was a good thing because there is no electricity over there. This was our view as we left the farm to head for home and a nice cold shower...
I love the big sky views over there. So with the 180 bales from last week, we've now got 400 bales of hay in the barn, I just hope my girls won't be too fussy to eat it this winter.

Yesterday I ran down to St. Paul to pick up my felt rolling machine (more on that in a later post!) and had brunch with my friend Bro (pronounced Brew).  She brought lots of stuff to show me including her sock knitting and she wound up buying the nuno scarf that I had brought to show her. The color looks so good on her.

Now I'm off to the Midwest Felting Symposium in Madison WI this weekend with my friend Nancy Hoerner.  We're not taking any classes this year, just going to see everyone and take in the felt gallery, the fashion show tomorrow night and the shopping. It will be so much fun!


  1. I LOVE the self portraits! You are so cute. ;-)
    One of these years, I'd like to go to the felting symposium with you. I would also like to have a gathering and have you teach a felting class...

    We need to set a date!

  2. Thanks Nancy, but I'm afraid your eyesight might be going. LOL
    I think it would be great fun to have a gathering and do some felting! I'm so inspired to get going after spending this weekend at MFS looking at all the fabulous work of felters from around the world. The next MFS will take place in 2012.

  3. Glad you are getting away after baling. You need a break. Love the photos in the mirror. Great way to spend time waiting.


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