Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Third Tier Market Lambs

Some of you may recall that last fall I sold my Ile de France cross ram and traded six Shetland Mule ewes to a new shepherdess in exchange for one market lamb from each of them plus their 2010 fleeces. Well, the last set of lambs was born three days ago, so I went over to see what the lambs looked like.
Oh my gosh, they are just BEAUTIFUL lambs! 
LeeAnne did a great job managing the breeding pens last fall, the pregnant ewe flock and the lambing this spring.  She has great crop of lambs to show for it.
The biggest one is Butler, he was a single.  He's 3 weeks old now. 

I took a video of the lambs having fun on a hay bale. LeeAnne got 10 lambs from the six mules and 5 lambs from her three Dorset cross ewes.  She's willing to sell some of Shetland Mule ewes after weaning if anyone is interested in some great production ewes with excellent fleece.

I have to confess, seeing all those cute white lambs running around made me kind of sad I traded them away, if only we could utilize all the pasture we have in Ogilvie. I may use the IDF ram directly on some Shetland ewes this fall...


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...