Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Out & About - What a Difference a Day Makes

River Oaks Rhisa 1 day old and weighing in at 13 pounds.

You can see by these photos we need rain.  We got some the other night, but we need more to get the grass growing.

And for the Shetland lovers, here are a couple shots of River Oaks Freya.  She is a yearling black gulmoget with solid sides. 

I'm noticing the rich brown facial stripes in the black gulmoget ewes right now.

This is a very pregnant River Oaks Lana, she was in the rise at shearing and she looks a little raggedy now, but she's also got solid sides. I don't know if she's homozygous black or not. I would love to get a moorit gulmoget lamb from her.


  1. I LOVE Freya!!! What a beauty and the ears on little Rhisa are just adorable...aren't lambs just too cute? Who is Freya out of???

  2. Freya is out of River Oaks Hattie (F2 Holly) and Kimberwood Harrison, a button scurred solid sided black gulmoget (heavy Roban Dillon and Holly lines). I'm sure she'll be a poll carrier. She's a half sister to Garrett's Lucy, and Lana is Lucy's daughter. I'm sure these two are both poll carriers along with the other Harrison daughters I've retained. I line bred Lana to a Harrison son. Hoping for full polled offspring there abd solid sides. :-)

  3. Thanks Sabrina, she looks so much better now that she figured out how to nurse. She's got the springs in her feet now too.

  4. Rhisa is beautiful, Becky! I really like those BFL ears, heads, and necks! Such a regal looking sheep!


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...