Saturday, November 14, 2009

Best of Show!

Okay, I'm still in shock.
Last night at the regional judged art exhibit, my wet felted painting of Lena, a Shetland Mule ewe, won First Place in the "Other Art Forms" category AND Best of Show!

There were so many wonderful pieces in the show, I am just so grateful that the judges were able to appreciate felt as a medium.

I'm sorry that I still don't have a good photo of it, so this one will have to really doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea anyway.

And oh my gosh, the prize money!!  I'm trying to decide if I should use it to buy hay, pay bills, or book airline tickets out to Oregon next June... :-)


  1. This is positively stunning! Congratulations!


  2. No wonder you won first place. It is stunningly wonderful.

  3. Good for you! The expression you managed to captur is just right. My goal is to 'capture the flag' at Maryland Sheep and Wool this coming May with a rug. Doubtful but if you don't aim at it, you never hit it!

  4. WOW!! Congratulations Becky!! Well deserved in my opinion!

  5. Wonderful picture and subject. Congratulations, the love you have does show.

  6. I'm not surprised you won Becky. The piece is stunning, although the computer screen doesn't do it justice. :-( It is GREAT that they appreciated your felt piece. And prize $$$ to boot!

  7. Congratulations!!!! How wonderful to win! Savor the moment and make sure you hang that gorgeous picture in a place you can see it often.

  8. Congratulations! Great subject and great artist!

  9. Congratulations, Becky!
    (definitely the airline tickets!) :^)

  10. Congratulations!!!! It is absolutely gorgeous!

  11. I know how you feel right now….You are excited, happy, and a little sick to your stomach. You want to dance around in circles and scream with glee. But you don’t people to see you acting so crazy, so you just hug yourself a little and say thanks. And inside, you are scared they made a mistake and will take back the prize. Been there, done that. But every time you look at that beautiful picture, you will remember the joy and finally realize you did deserve first place. The judges were right….it is a “Best in Show” picture. Congratulations.

  12. Thanks so much for the comments everyone. Candy T., you are SO right! Right down to the sick to the stomach feeling and the thought that they will call saying it was a mistake. LOL. I'm glad to know others have felt the same way. I also feel guilty when I think of all the other deserving pieces. But I guess it was finally my turn. :-)
    Lisa, my husband and I agree with you about how to use the prize money. Our trip to the Black Sheep Gathering, and down the Oregon coast to San Francisco is a go now! :-))

  13. Absolutely beautiful,Becky. I can't wait to see it in person at Black sheep Gathering in 2010. Congratulations!

  14. Congratulations from one artist to another! Great work and I love sheep portraits almost as much as I love sheep!

  15. Congrats, Becky! All that talent must come from your Mother's side!
    Have fun in's beautiful there.

  16. Doesn't suprise me at all. I've loved this piece since you started it! It's absolutely amazing, and you're an amazingly talented artist! And an amazing person :)

  17. Double hurray!! Both for your well-deserved win and for looking forward to meeting you next year at BSG!

  18. I am so happy for you and PROUD of you Becky! It's wonderful that you are earning recognition for your talent. You are truly gifted and your willingness to share your knowledge and skills makes you a very special artist indeed!

    Congratulations on a well-deserved honor.

    P.S. Thank you so much for the soap & lotion!! I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it....

    Miss you!!!

  19. You are so talented!! What an artist! Congratulations! Enjoy the winnings...sounds like a great trip!
    Kim L.

  20. Love the image. Very nice and Congrats on the win.


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