Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Ninety Cents a bale!

The good news around here is hay is going cheap! I got some small squares for 90 cents a bale at the auction today. It's first crop alfalfa so it's stemmy, but my girls LOVE it.

I've started supplementing them with dairy quality alfalfa hay in the morning and they get their regular grass hay in the evening. But I don't want to use up all the dairy quality hay now and then not have any left when the lambs arrive.

The Bluefaced Leicesters and Shetland Mules are due to lamb in April and the Shetlands are due in May. It will be here before we know it.

Shearing is scheduled in just two weeks. I hope I don't find skinny sheep under all that fleece.

The other good news is that I have finally finished the Shepherd's Harvest booklet, you can download it at I can't wait to see the printed booklets, we went with a larger size and color covers this year.

More good news is that the Midwest Felting Symposium schedule is finally posted. I am hoping to be able to take the "All you can Felt" option for 5 full days of felting instruction. The symposium is hosted by Susan's Fiber Shop and takes place in Madison, WI. It's a lot of fun and there are some really good instructors coming again this year.


  1. Woman, stop KILLING me with those cheap hay prices! With gas down, I could probably drive to MN and get a load of that cheaper than what I'd have to pay around here.

  2. wow 90 cents! That's amazing! The guy I had to buy the grass hay from last year was charging 2/bale, but said this year they would be 3/bale. I'll have to call him and tell him of the good news you just gave me...

    i need to start coming to that auction i guess!!

  3. Thanks a LOT, Becky!

    I was going to NOT spend so much time on the computer this morning. Of course, having just followed the link and perusing the Shepherds Harvest Site for the last hour, pretty much shot that idea all to hell....


    Is there a website for the felting symposium? I would really be interested in learning more about that. Perhaps we could share milage/accommodations???

  4. Great job on the booklet, Becky!
    It really makes me want to come.

  5. I may have to go back next week for more hay. The second crop alfalfa grass hay that I had intended to buy went for $1.80/bale. I had planned on bidding up to $2.50/bale on it, but then when I got the 90 cent stuff, we didn't have room to buy/haul more.

    Nancy, here's a link to the MFS,

    It's expensive, I applied for an artist's grant to help pay for it.
    Let me know if you're interested in going - even if it's just for a few days.

  6. Thanks so much Lisa> The booklet was a lot of work, I just hope the printed booklets turn out okay. There's always a lot worrying when the file goes off to the printer. :-)


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...