Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spotted Twins

Well Mabeline came through with some nicely spotted twins this afternoon! She had no problems, just an easy delivery of some very good sized BFL/Shetland crosses. A ram and a ewe.
The ewe lamb is darker with longer fleece and the ram lamb is lighter. Both look like they are yuglet fleckets to me. They have black socks and tails too. I'll have to get better photos of them after they dry off. I'll be keeping the ewe lamb for sure.

Jasmine's black krunet crossbred ram lamb weighed in at 10 lbs. tonight. Mabeline's twins are 8.5 pounds for the ewe and and 9 pounds for the ram lamb. There are no more BFL sired crosses to come. Just one more purebred BFL and a Shetland sired crossbred out of Dot.

We still have 3, maybe 4, purebred Shetlands to go too. It looks like all will be singles from here on out. Three of the remaining ewes were bred to a gulmoget ram. So it will be exciting to see if we get our first gulmoget too.

Lanora's ewe lamb is looking good, but still has meconium staining in her fleece. She slept a lot today and Lanora was very responsive to the cries of Mabeline's twins.

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Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...