Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Ram lambs

Well Tuesday must be the day around here. Last Tuesday we were blessed with Hattie's twins (above) and Elsa's twin ewe Shetland Mule lambs (below) ...

and this Tuesday Delia gave us this 3/4 BFL ram lamb (man, is he BIG! 13 lbs at a day and a half old- poor Delia! She's just a yearling).....

then an hour later, Cocoa presented us with this BFL/Shetland cross ram lamb (he's another big boy, 11.5 lbs at a day and a half. He's the same size as Elsa's twins already. Cocoa always gives me blettets, smirslets or yuglets - this guy is a smirslet, not quite a yuglet on the one side. His fleece is so striking - it reminds me of Gotland fleece. He's very friendly already too)....

And this morning around 10 a.m., Derra had this beautiful 3/4 BFL white ram lamb (born with one leg back - pretty tough on a yearling ewe, good thing he wasn't overly large -- oops, we weighed him tonight, he's 10.5 pounds! She did great!).

All the new boys found the teat right away and everyone is doing fine so far. I hope Derra will be okay, I had to go in looking for the other leg. Couldn't find it. I ran to the house for the sheep manual and a phone to call for help. But when I got back, he was out! Thank heavens. ;-)

Only 9 more ewes to go. Two might not be pregnant or they could be stragglers. Time will tell.


  1. Both colored BFL crosses are GORGEOUS! Congrats on all the lambs!

  2. WOW! I haven't "gone blogging" for a while and you've been busy! What beautiful babies, Becky! I love the markings on Cocoa's ram lamb! And the photo of the white lamb, laying in the sunbeam is absolutely priceless! I am in awe...

  3. Thanks Rayna! The BFL crosses are so gangly. But cool looking and nice fleeces. All these boys though!

    And thanks Nancy. Your compliment on the lamb photo means a lot coming from the master sheep photographer herself! It did get accepted into the juried photography show next week. YAY! Now I have to find a mat and frame for it.


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...