Sunday, January 27, 2008

When One Door Closes....

Another door opens. I believe that, I am a person who looks forward to change.

I found out on Jan. 24th, that I only have two days left of my employment at the ortho office. So now I'm looking for something new. So far a few opportunities have arisen and I'm excited about the possibilities and choices to be made. The oil painting above is titled "Snowed In". I painted it back in 1994 or so. I thought it was appropriate for this post, although I don't feel snowed in at all. I liked that open door!
A few weeks ago I volunteered at our local Community Action Agency to prepare income taxes for low-income individual and families. The training has been lots of fun and I passed my basic certification test yesterday. If you're good with numbers and have some tax experience, you might want to consider volunteering too. Learning more about taxes can only be good for us shepherds and if we can also help others, that makes it even better.


  1. You are so talented, Becky; that is a beautiful painting! Best wishes as you find a new job.

  2. Thanks you guys! That bicycle painting is one of my favorites and it seemed appropriate here. I am all done with my job now, but things are still really busy. Our local art show opens on Friday. It's held in conjunction with the Vasaloppet ski race (58K) so lots of people come to town then. I'm hoping to get two more pieces ready by Friday morning. I'll be demonstrating felting on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. However, if I don't get prepared, I'll be demonstrating spinning. ;-0


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...