Sunday, September 23, 2007

I've got sheep for sale too

It's that time of year when shepherds get cold feet about the impending winter. I've seen several fellow breeders trying to lighten their load by offering ewes for sale in the past week or so. Well, I'm going to join them!

I've got 30 sheep and not enough pasture or hay, so I've decided not to be a sheep hoarder anymore. I guess I can let go of some ewe lambs, Abby, Amber, Darcy and Brita -- if I have to. I also have an unrelated musket ram lamb for sale at only $125. Very nice conformation, horns and fleece on this guy.

In fact, this group would make a great starter flock with a fawn katmoget, black, white and two muskets. I could even throw in a free wether to keep the ram company after breeding season.

And I could also let go of my mioget ram, Windswept Boggart after Dec. 1st for a reduced price of $200. He's a very nice proven yearling ram.

I hope to get down to around 20 sheep for the winter...still too many, but I can only go so far.

Check out my website., for more details and photos. The ewe lambs are priced at $200 with a discount for two or more to the same home.

Our flock is only six months away from becoming certified in the SCFP (voluntary Scrapie Flock Certification Program). The sheep are up to date on vaccinations, hoof trimming and worming.

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