Sunday, September 23, 2007
I've got sheep for sale too
I've got 30 sheep and not enough pasture or hay, so I've decided not to be a sheep hoarder anymore. I guess I can let go of some ewe lambs, Abby, Amber, Darcy and Brita -- if I have to. I also have an unrelated musket ram lamb for sale at only $125. Very nice conformation, horns and fleece on this guy.
In fact, this group would make a great starter flock with a fawn katmoget, black, white and two muskets. I could even throw in a free wether to keep the ram company after breeding season.
And I could also let go of my mioget ram, Windswept Boggart after Dec. 1st for a reduced price of $200. He's a very nice proven yearling ram.
I hope to get down to around 20 sheep for the winter...still too many, but I can only go so far.
Check out my website., for more details and photos. The ewe lambs are priced at $200 with a discount for two or more to the same home.
Our flock is only six months away from becoming certified in the SCFP (voluntary Scrapie Flock Certification Program). The sheep are up to date on vaccinations, hoof trimming and worming.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Bearded Blue Silkies/BFL's
Recently I've seen some tests on people's blogs. Bill Stearman had, "What Dog Breed are You?" on his. I'm a Golden Retriever, I guess. And Nancy Krohn had, "What Tarot Card are You?" on hers. I'm Strength, whatever that means. I noticed the word "obstinancy" in the description along with something about a maiden opening (and closing) a lion's mouth....hmmmm.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Jefferson weekend/Frosty morning
I got brave and entered a skein of Mabeline's hand-rooed, hand-combed, hand-spun 2 ply yarn in the skein competition. I was honored to get a 3rd place ribbon. The first and second place entries were really nice. Maybe next year I'll try it again...
Even though I left my sheep at home, I was thrilled to see two of my lambs in the show ring doing well for their new owner, Bill Gillette and his daughter Caitlyn. I felt like a proud grandma as they collected ribbons and the judge talked about their fleece and conformation. Caitlyn and Bill did a great job showing them. They told me the ewe lambs got Champion and Reserve Champion in 4-H at the county fair and the Reserve Champion went on to win 1st place in 4-H at the State Fair (the Champion ewe couldn't go due to age of the exhibitor).
They are both sired by Sheltering Pines Bombarde. He's an Ag Fawn Katmoget. I really want to thank my friend Stephen Rouse for sharing Bombarde with me. His lambs were awesome and he's RR AA to boot. He'll be getting most of my black shetlands this year -- I want more grey katmogets and some grey sheep in my flock again. Of course, I'm also hoping for some miogets out of Boggart.
We had our first freeze last night, there was ice in waterers this morning. It was so cold outside and in the house too. I finally broke down and turned on the heat just now. All the guys went fishing up north this weekend, so turning on the heat is easier than starting a fire... Thankfully our 12 little chicks are doing fine with their adoptive mama to keep them warm. Looks like some of my Black Australorps are really Barred Rocks. I like Barred Rocks too. The poor little Turkens with their naked necks! It seems like they would really be stressed by the cold weather, but I guess they do fine. We'll see...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Fun at the State Fair

Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!
Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...