Sunday, December 24, 2006

Spaced Dyed Top now Yarn

Here's a shot of the the plied yarn from the Violets Northern Lights top from Louet. I just love those colors. Also shown are the socks I started. I want to spin another bobbin of "violets" and navajo ply it for more vibrant color. Another option would be one strand of this plied with a strand of black shetland.

I also took a photo of the boys this morning, at least they are still in their paddock!
And last, here's a shot I took this morning of the back pasture we're thinking of buying from our neighbor. It's about 8 1/2 acres and if we buy it, we will probably have to sell our 40 acres in Ogilvie. Decisions, decisions! It would be much easier to just stay here on this cul-de-sac with no traffic issues and no predator problems -- so far. But those 20 plus acres of pasture are so tempting over in Ogilvie.

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Upcoming SUMMER CLASSES!   Introduction to Skinnfell class at Marine Mills Folk School on Saturday, July 22nd. Here's a link to sign...