Sunday, October 27, 2019

Classes! Taking and teaching them.

I spent two days this past week at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts attending training for teaching artists through the Minnesota State Arts Board presented by Aroha Philanthropies. The theme was creative aging and how sequential arts programming can be a catalyst for mature (55+) students to re-engage in life and develop social networks. Such an important thing for continued health and living life to the fullest. I learned a lot about incorporating social interaction as an integral part of teaching. I feel lucky to have been able to attend, although driving in rush hour traffic in Minneapolis is not my cup of tea. I love living (and driving) in the country!

This is my new tractor. It was my dad's tractor for many years and now I will have it. I always wanted it. It runs like a top from what I hear. 

I was happy to see the sun shine for a couple days in the last few weeks (after the snow fall).  I took advantage of some nice days to make three Icelandic felt pelts and a large Dalesbred fleece I picked out at the class I taught in Maryland last month.



In late September I taught my felt pelt class again for Sherry Tenney in Maryland.

It's always fun to share the magic of felt pelts and traveling is a great way to meet some very interesting people.
Thanks to the students for the lovely gifts. I love the peach soaps from Georgia! Most of the students in the class had never felted before and had no idea what they were in for, but they were anxious to make another rug on the second day of class.Lots of beautiful rugs were made. The students will continue to full their backing until it shows the strong pebbly texture that is the tell tale marker of a well-felted pelt.

After returning home, I did three respite sessions with area seniors and their helpers through an East Central Regional Arts Council grant written by Lakes and Pines Community Action Council.
We did wet felted pumpkins and eye glass cases. The seniors seemed to be delighted with their projects. 

Next are four sessions with Head Start kids, 3-5 years old.I'm adjusting the project after the first session proved to be too much for the kids and the teacher. :-)  Hopefully by starting out with some pre-felts, the project will match their attention spans better.
We'll stick with the pumpkin theme for Halloween this week, but allow for creative use of colors, etc.

Oh, there is still room in the Raw Felted Fleece Chair Pad or Pillow Top class I am teaching at the Textile Center in Minneapolis on November 9th. Here's a link to sign up if you're interested. I have lots of Cheviot fleeces that will make for some nice cushions, but students can bring their own raw fleece too.

Have a great week everyone!


Is it Spring yet? Shearing time!

  Sid relaxing at the Wahkon, MN Veterans Memorial Park on the shore of Mille Lacs Lake, a gorgeous 71 degree day in mid-March. Just to let ...